Apple Recalls (updated 3-09)
Computer Defect Identify Status Link
PowerBook Battery (G4 15") A1045: HQ404, HQ405, HQ406, HQ407, or HQ408 Active Link
Battery (G4 15") A1078: 3X446-3X509 Active Link
Battery (G4 15") A1078 and A1148: 3K425-3K601, 6N601 ending with THTC, 6N530-6N551 ending with THTA, THTB, THTC Active Link
Battery (G4 12") A1079: 3X446-3X510, ZZ411-ZZ427, 3K428-3K611 Active Link
AC Adapter (G3) 2-prong adapter: "Macintosh PowerBook 45W AC Adapter" and "Model Number: M4402." Ended Link
Display (G4 15") V7334-V7345, QT331-QT339 Ended N/A
RAM Slot (15" 1.5/1.67) W8503-W8518 Ended Link
iBook Battery (G4 12") A1061: ZZ338-ZZ427, 3K429-3K611, 6C519-6C552 ending with S9WA, S9WC, S9WD Active Link
Battery (G4 12") A1061: HQ441-HQ507 Active Link
Logic Board (G3) UV117-UV342 Ended Link
MacBook Battery purchased between February 2006 and April 2007 Active Link
MacBook Pro Battery purchased between February 2006 and April 2007 Active Link
Video Card (2.2-2.6) MacBook Pro (15- and 17-inch) with NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT graphics processor Active Link
PowerMac G5 Power Supply (2-2.5) CK539-CK608, G8539-G8608, YM539-YM608, RM539-RM608 Active Link
iMac G5 Power Supply (20") iMac EMC number: 2056 Ended Link
Video/Power W8435-W8522, QP435-QP522, CK435-CK522, YD435-YD522 Ended Link
eMac G4 Video/Power G8412-G8520, YM412-YM520, VM414-VM518 Ended Link
iPhone 3G USB Charger any usb charger without the "green dot" Active Link

Please notify me of any errors or new/missing recalls.