computer services brian offers read client reviews and see ratings see a sampling of brian's clients frequently asked questions computer rates
apple remote support
pay with a credit card

on-site (business): troubleshooting, repair, tutoring
$110 per hour

on-site (residential): troubleshooting, repair, tutoring
$85 per hour

drop-off (studio city/north hollywood): installations, upgrades, repairs
$55 per hour

data recovery: only pay if your data is recovered
$300 per hard drive
$55 non-refundable fee for hard drive removal from notebook computers
(brian can replace your hard drive for no additional labor cost!)

pick-up & delivery: i'll pick up, fix, and drop back off
$90 + drop-off rate (or $45 one-way)

• one hour minimum for all services / $45 diagnostic fee waived upon repair / 15% student & senior discount •

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